"Paladin K9 Training exceeded my expectations! My pup, a 7-month-old stray scared of everything, has transformed into a confident, playful pup with the help of one of Paladin K9's trainers. I have no worries about Jade picking up a scent and following it, being distracted in public, or even stopping & pulling to say hello to another dog on a walk.

During and since Jade's training has ended, I have had all the confidence in the world in Jade. I have and currently take her on frequent off-leash walks & hikes and sometimes even enjoy taking her to Home Depot with me.

Overall, Jade just didn't get trained... Jade was shown how to be a loving, obedient pup and that she can trust me during any circumstance. The bond between us has grown extremely and I feel like I myself have come out of this training knowing more about Jade, her habits & tendencies, and how to give her the best life beyond the necessities.

Thanks, Paladin K9 Training!"

- Matthew T


I would give Max a million stars if I could!! I brought my two dogs who I couldn't even go on walks with without them pulling my arm off to Max. After 4 sessions, I now have 2 dogs that can walk OFF LEASH righ by my side!!! People have stopped me and asked me "HOW?" in amazement because of what Max did! Seriously, this is the BEST investment you could ever make. Thanks Max!!

- Jessica E


Our Siberian Husky, Mae, learned to stop pulling and walk with me in such a short time. She has calmed down and we both enjoy walking together now. She no longer jumps on people that come to our home. She is a well behaved 9 month old puppy that I can bring anywhere with me and not have to worry that she will miss behave or run off or become totally distracted and possibly hurt herself or somebody else. We both have relaxed and training is less stressful for either of us. She is a sweet, beautiful and lovable 9 month old puppy and we really enjoy each other to the max. ( no pun intended ). If it wasn't for Max, our trainer, I don't know if we would have been able to keep her.

- Janelle M


Paladin k9 training changed our life! Prior to training my dog knew simple commands such as "sit" and "down" but would pull on walks, bark at every person and dog we would pass, and bolt if he got out the door. Within the first 5 minutes of training, he was walking right at my side and learned to sit when I stopped walking. Max made it easy to learn how to properly use the e-collar and continue practice through the week between sessions. The training did more than just train my dog, it built a stronger bond and trust between us. I cannot recommend Paladin enough. Thank you!!

- Brandi B


 "paladin k9 training was good for my dog considering the breed she was, the temper she had , and the previous experiences she had. Max (our paladin k9 trainer) was amazing! He was patient with both me and my dog, showed exactly how to do things, and any inconvenience i had, he helped find ways to fix it. made me feel good to see the amount of progress in such a short time while working with max! Would definitely recommend!"

- Robert Q


"Max was great! Both of my labs would pull on their leash making walks miserable. After the 5 week program both Philly and Piper were walking by my side making walks enjoyable. Both come to my recall command and would stay when asked. As a dog owner, if you commit to the program on your end, you will be amazed at the results after just 5-7 days and it gets better each week."

- Jeff A


 "Max and his team are amazing. Our dog went from constantly pulling on the leash to a calm dog who obeys every command."

- Dick C


 "Paladin K9 completely transformed my dog. Before, I was barely able to take my dog out of my house. Now I feel confident walking him without a leash even through parking lots! I promise you this company is a miracle."

- Hannah S


